Thursday, July 10, 2008


Did you know that google maps had street views? I think it only has it in certain places, and New York is one of them. Anyway, link it, and you will have an idea about what's my street like. My block is quite different from the rest of the area. All the surroundings are a residential area, full of 'very Brooklyn' brown-stones. My place is in the building with white fences and yellow flowers. My flat is on the 4th floor (the two windows at right). I have a basketball court in front of the building. If you move on the image (up, down, left & right), you'll see around. Also, if you click on the arrows, can moving forward on the street.,-95.677068&sspn=38.365962,65.742188&ie=UTF8&ll=40.679743,-73.960841&spn=0.008983,0.024376&z=16&layer=c&cbll=40.675237,-73.961808&panoid=UTD9saRwaGclYMb0ayt-pw&cbp=2,323.1510817201297,,0,-11.932554237557214